1. Heat the heavy cream in a small saucepan over medium heat until it is hot and starting to bubble but not fully boiling. Remove the cream from the heat immediately. |
2. Add the finely chopped chocolate and vanilla extract and stir with a wooden spoon until the ganache is completely smooth. |
3. Pop the pan into the fridge and chill the ganache until it is hard enough to roll into balls. Do not use the freezer as this will make the ganache unworkable. |
4. Measure out each truffle by the heaping teaspoonful and use your hands to quickly roll the ganache into a ball. |
5. If the ganache gets too warm, put it back in the fridge for a few minutes to firm up. Work quickly so that your hands don't melt the chocolate too much. Chill the balls, a few at a time, as you go. |
6. Put the cocoa powder into a shallow dish. Take each chilled chocolate ball and quickly roll in the cocoa powder for an even coating. |
7. Sprinkle with any garnishes before the chocolate sets, if desired. et the truffles set completely before serving or storing. |